Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging

Welcome to the Georgia 4-H Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging Practice page.

While you can't run an entire contest on this page, you can print practice Placing Cards and have students enter scores on the practice page.

To Practice

  1. Download Practice Placing Cards. (pdf file) --
    These cards will not work at an actual contest. This pdf contains contestant numbers 1 - 100.
  2. Go to Practice Placing page. Do this on any computer.
  3. Students will enter the token from their placing card. That will take them to the form where they will enter there placings.

Procedure on the day of the contest.

  1. Contestants will be assigned a contestant number. Each contestant will recieve a paper placing card that is pre-printed with the Contestant's number and 'token.' (see the Practice Placing Cards)
  2. While viewing classes, contestants can record their placings on the paper card.
  3. After viewing all classes, contestants will be directed to a computer where they will enter their placings by doing they following.
    1. Enter the token from the paper placing card into the form on the screen.
    2. Select placing for each of the 4 classes and click the 'Submit' button.
    3. Once the placings have been submitted, click the 'OK' button to finalize. This will reset the page for the next contestant.
  4. Contestants will turn in their paper Placing Cards.




© 2006 - 2025 Georgia 4-H --
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (working cooperatively with Fort Valley State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the counties of Georgia) offers its educational programs, assistance, and materials to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation or protected veteran status and is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action organization.